Roundism - 08-09-16

Roundism - 08-09-16 Part of the 18 Variations of the same theme. This one I drew after the last one I did already was a year ago. Somehow I did not felt the series was finished yet. I did two oils on the theme: Roundism - 06-07-16 and Roundism - 12-02-17. I sold it quickly and this roundism variation was a cornerstone for many to come. I like doing these roundish forms that remind me to Tamara de Lempicka's volumnous body scapes for a very long time. For some reason this one turned out to look rather art deco . It is an artistic era gone by that I love very much. I often wonder why such eras do not come to pass nowadays. I feel that some kind of new movement in art is yearning but I cannot see the dawn of it yet. We are stuck in postmodernism, concept art and all things unaesthetic. Perhaps I did this art work to evoke some movement? Maybe you can tell... If you want to read futher on this topic, please visit my website . If you want to buy a printable (hi-res picture...