Queen Maxima - 17-10-14


Queen Maxima - 17-10-14 

In 1999 the buzz in The Netherlands we were to have a samba princess, under the name 'Maxima' and 20 years later her groove catched on. She is more popular than any other royal member. besides her dancing capacities she is a kind tempered character and engaged. Not but not least she is a feast for the eye and that is why I like to capture her through the eyes of Erwin Olaf who took her picture on behalf of the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst.

Basically this is not the real deal 'cubism' but rather a kind of cubist styling I liked to do 6 years ago. The only thing I do is extrapolate all natural appearing plains into the negative space. Very effective though.

If you like you can read further on my website here.

If you like it even more you can download a printable (hi-res picture you can print and frame) here.


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