Roundism - 14-08-20


Roundism – 07-08-20 

Once in a while you reach back and turn to older drawings you made in the past, like 'Roundism - 14-08-14'. I liked the hatched strokes anew and since I hatch a lot, especially when the background is very dark, sometimes I do now rub it to an even shine but leave the hatched strokes like they are. That was my initial styles some years back. It was fun to execute a drawing in the same style once again.

My model of Indian descendance has this crazy, lovely shine on her skin. In color such a darker skin is lovely to see. All kinds of colors that complement eachother. In a back-and-white situation there is still a lot to see though and often it is the limitation that makes a better art work. Hence this one. I hope you like it.

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